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Motorcycle valves

Routine Maintenance: Motorcycle Valves Explained

Any motorcycle owner knows how important routine maintenance is for their bike. Regular servicing is important to ensure it’s running optimally, staying on top of general wear-and-tear, and preventing any issues. When it comes to routine maintenance, it’s particularly important

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Flooded motorcycle engine

How To Fix A Flooded Motorcycle Engine

Every motorcycle owner knows the engine is the beating heart. If something happens to the engine, the vehicle isn’t going anywhere. If you ever find that your engine isn’t working, or even worse—it’s flooded, it’s important to know what to

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Solotorcycle adventure mo

Planning A Solo Motorcycle Adventure

Australia has a gorgeous landscape if you’re planning to travel across the country on the road. From the beautiful countryside to quaint cafés to stop along the way. The team here at Taverner Motorsports has countless kilometres under our belts

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Replace or repair motorcycle

Replace or Repair Motorcycle: What’s Best?

Something’s gone wrong with your motorcycle. Maybe an accident has left it badly damaged, maybe some components are completely worn out, or maybe you need to replace the engine. Either way, you’re probably facing the difficult question: should I repair

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